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What Our Volunteers Say

Naomi - What an Experience!

What a delightful surprise! Ben, one of our former volunteers, has come back to the healing center this week with his friend Naomi to lend a hand.

5 puppies to market 5.jpeg
Naomi Varita.jpeg
Ben and Naomi.jpeg
Lilah Gem adopted 2.jpeg
Lilah and Gem adopted 8.jpeg
Ben Naomi help with temple pups 4.jpeg

Wow, what an experience! I volunteered at Headrock Dogs Rescue for a week with my friend Ben and loved every minute of it! Such a pleasure getting to know the dogs and helping the friendly team with daily tasks. I helped with cleaning, feeding and cuddling. The highlight for me was going with puppies to drop them at their new adoption home, this was such a beautiful moment to be a part of. I can’t thank Verity and Thep enough, they were so kind and welcoming and do amazing work!

Krista - I Had an Amazing Time!

When an angel donates $4200 she raised to help us from across the world and then flies to volunteer with us, there are no words to express our immense gratitude and overwhelming thanks.

THANK YOU is so inadequate but it's engraved in our hearts.

Krista with lots of dogs in healing cent
Krista and Thep with Cheque.jpg
Krista's first day_edited_edited.jpg
Krista and Somkit.jpg

I had an amazing time volunteering with Headrock Dog Rescue. I helped with some daily chores such as feeding and cleaning the kennels but the best part was getting to hand with 65 + dogs everyday! I really enjoyed helping the paraplegic dogs with their physical therapy! Would highly recommend volunteering here! 

Sybille - What a Great Experience 

I have spent six weeks at Headrock's Dog Rescue. The dogs are so nice and it's fun to see their different personalities and their different strategies to get stroked.

Sybil saying hello to Myla, one of our paraplegic dogs
Sybille with Verity's pet dogs
Dogs love Sybill
Sybille, Malee and Myla having a playful time

In my first days here I mainly helped to clean the areas, brush the dogs, wash the bowls, feed the dogs,.... Then I started to take more care of some of the dogs that needed special help, such as the paraplegic dogs. My background is in occupational therapy and it was my desire and pleasure to treat these dogs with their little hairy legs. My greatest joy was to see Nong Malee starting to walk after a few weeks of therapy. That has made me so happy! Sometimes it seemed as if she was proudly showing me what she had already learnt.

Thank you for this great experience!

Nau and Laia - The dogs warmed our hearts 

Nau - Volunteering in Headrock was just the best happy and fun experience. The dogs in the shelter are so so lovely that I fell madly in love to most. And the people is so nice a helpful. Recommend!

Nau and Laia a the centre saying hello
Dogs at the shelter introducing themselves
fixing the fence
Every hand helps!

Laia - I loved every day we spent at Headrock. Seeing the dogs each morning coming to say hello to you, and spending your time making their lifes better, it warms your heart. The shelter is a beautiful open space area where dogs have a good life. The staff and the owners have been really welcoming and they are doing an amazing job. You can help with many different tasks: grooming the dogs, shampooing them, cleaning cages and bowls, or some handyman tasks if you want. We just left and we are already missing all the dogs and people there. I hope we can meet again

Ben Mangnall – I loved my time at the healing centre 

Ben overwelmed
Ben with puppies

I absolutely loved my time volunteering at Headrock dogs, you can see how much love and care all the dogs receive and the people are so welcoming, loved it that much I’ve planned a trip back in a few months, you won’t ever want to leave!  

From Ben Mangnall

Our first volunteer since pre-Covid...

Sandra and Lynn - volunteered for five months

Sandra and Lynn volunteered with us for nearly 5 months. They helped enormously with various dog health problems.

They both spent a lot of time and expertise creating this video of their work with our dogs.

Sandra is a qualified dog trainer. Her experience in dogs' characters was put to good use with some of our naughty boys!

Volunteer petting a rescue dog
two volunteers at the healing centre

Marjorie's & Hugo's Headrock Experience

We had a great week with all the team at the shelter. the team were very kind to the dogs. We have learned a lot during this week and we hope to have the chance to come back someday.

white dog laying down
Majorie hugging a black and white spotted dog
Hugo stroking a black and white dog

Thank you all for your kindness! I miss the dogs already. I would have liked to take all the dogs in my apartment Paris but 22msq seems a bit small ... thanks thanks thanks. Marjorie and Hugo

2 girls holding up headrock T-shirts

Mari and April: Our volunteering experience

Headrock Dogs Rescue is a truly amazing place! The dogs are so well cared for and loved. Each and every person we met here was dedicated to the welfare of all the dogs. Verity and Thep do an amazing job helping these abused and neglected souls. The dogs are so loving and content and their every need is met as much as possible where funds allow. If you can go and volunteer, I would 100% recommend this and if not, please consider donating to help with the huge costs of feeding and veterinary treatment.



I miss the dogs so much but I was able to return home knowing that they are in the best of hands. Thank you, Verity, for allowing us to be part of your Rescue and also, a big thank you to Franz and Franzisca for teaching us the ropes and answering our endless questions! Please give all the dogs a big kiss from April and myself. See you all again soon I hope.

Brooke: My volunteering time


Good Morning Doris

I had the pleasure of volunteering at Headrock Dogs Rescue in April 2019. It truly was a rewarding and very enjoyable experience. I loved being greeted by all the happy faces and wagging tails each morning and I felt I was really contributing to making their lives better. Not only was Headrock dogs an amazing place to volunteer but Bangsaphan is a slice of paradise away from the crowds and flocks of tourists you see elsewhere in Thailand. I can't recommend Headrock dogs enough. If you're thinking of volunteering, go for it!

                                                                                Doris is such a gorgeous

                                                                                loving old dog                           

volunteer being licked by Doris one of our resident dogs.
Brooke (one of our volunteers) is crouching petting Doris, one of our resident dogs
One of our volunteers Brooke, is crouching down stroking Peanut, one of our paraplegic dogs.

Peanut is such a sweet happy little dog

Thank you so much for having us. Our time went too quickly. I hope Doris is getting all the hugs she deserves from the volunteers! I think about her every day.

Poppy and Matilda: An Amazing Place

A really amazing place! The dogs are so happy and so well looked after. We spent 10 days volunteering here and couldn’t recommend it more. Verity and Thep do a fantastic job caring for the dogs, as do the long-standing volunteers Franz and Francesca, and the Thai staff Lin and Lek are great! Would highly recommend coming here, lovely dogs and lovely people.
























         Can’t wait to come back again!

Poppy and Tilda with the puppies
Poppy and Tilda petting 2 black dogs
Tilda and Poppy petting the dogs
Tilda and Poppy sitting with the rescue dogs

Annette: My wonderful time at Headrockdogs


Unfortunately, Facebook has changed from reviews to recommendations - if they still had reviews I would definitely give Headrock Dogs Rescue 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️!!!

I volunteered at Headrock Dogs Rescue for 2 weeks - it was a very rewarding experience and I loved every minute. I learnt so much during my time there and also saw the incredible team of Headrocks Dog Rescue in action: Verity, Thep, Lin, Lek, Pituk, Bu & Francois are so dedicated to these dogs and have so much love for all of them (evident when they arrive in the morning to a mass wagging of tails and demands for a head scratch!).

Annette sitting
Some of our volunteers
Annette crouching in the garden with some of the dogs

The dogs at Headrock Dogs Rescue are some of the happiest dogs in Thailand - they have a huge area that they can roam and explore and play in and, most importantly, are pen-free which works incredibly well at this sanctuary. There are times when it is so quiet, you could hear a pin drop! I loved getting to know all the dogs and their different personalities and will miss them so much!

Eléa Oganessova - Our Time At Headrock Dogs Rescue

Headrock Dogs Rescue is a great place to bond with dogs. The whole team is very caring and present daily. There are at least 60 dogs you can socialize with and they are all lovely.

I went there with three friends for a school internship because we wanted to connect and really help with the animals. Although they already have an efficient team, we had the opportunity to help take care of them: cleaning the field, washing the dogs, give some skin treatment for those who needed it...

Julitette with Humpty

Soo Fluffy!!

Volunteers bathing a dog

Time for a bath and massage!!

French volunteer hugging black dog

My friend!!

We admired the commitment and time the other permanent volunteers like Françoise and Lin dedicated to the dogs: they are here all year long and do their best to take care of them. They also guided us if we needed something as well as Verity and Thep who checked if we were doing ok when they had the time. It was easier to communicate with Françoise (as she speaks French) but everyone made efforts for everything to go well.

Coming here also made us realized the difficult situation in which some stray dogs can be. We had a great time with everyone and would definitely come back if we ever had the chance.

Jukiette, Salome, Lisa and Elea in the back of the pickup ready to go home, after volunteering at the healing centre

Juliette, Salome, Lisa and Elea

We really enjoyed our stay at Headrock dogs rescue, the dogs were so lovely we already miss them! Thank you again for your time! 😊

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