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Neutering Fundraiser

Act Now to End the Cycle of Suffering

Free Neutering


Over 3000 cats and dogs have been sterilized through our free neutering program over the last 5 years. This is the tip of the iceberg and we are asking for your support now. In the Bang Saphan area which covers 900 kilometres to Myanmar where there are 100,000 free-roaming dogs and cats who face unbearable suffering and need to be sterilized.

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Our program


Our Free Neutering Program's small team of two qualified vets and one vet assistant, provide essential veterinary services at no cost to financially challenged pet owners, street dog and cat feeders and temples,  all of whom face considerable financial constraints.

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Stop the suffering


As we continue to strive to make a significant impact on animal welfare in our area we are actively seeking like-minded supporters to join us as partners in this important initiative. By increasing the number of animals sterilized within this demographic, we can ensure the females never again live a life of disease and pain from multiple births. The Males will no longer roam the streets looking for female dogs and cats in season and get badly injured in the process. Together we can work to stop that vicious cycle and the suffering it brings.

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Sponsor a Sterilization Initiative


Please join our fantastic sterilization sponsors and become a member of our Sponsor a Sterilization Initiative. You too can give these suffering animals a better life for a monthly donation, ideally between one and 10 sterilizations a month, and be proud of making a difference.

  • One sterilization =

  • 660bht

  • $19

  • £15

  • EU17

Use the calculator below to calculate monthly payments


You can either donate your chosen number of sponsored months on this fundraiser or setup a recurring monthly donation for those months. Click this link.


Currently our sponsors fund a total of 55 sterilizations a month and with your help we hope to increase that number to 70 or 80 a month. Our small team is confident they can sterilize this number a month whilst giving the best pre and post operation care. 

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How to become a member

Your membership fee is the number of sterilizations you have sponsored.

What you will receive as a member;

  • A Sponsor a Sterilization Initiative membership certificate

  • A receipt for your records showing how much you paid

  • Pictures of the number of cats or dogs you have sponsored

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We can BE the difference


Together we can form a partnership to offer financial and health solutions to those who cannot afford to sterilize their pets. We believe that no one should be born into abject poverty, hardship and disease. The same holds true for cats and dogs.

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Thank you for being a part of our 'Sponsor a Sterilization Initiative'

Your Compassion and Generosity Help Save Lives

Thank You for Caring!!

Please click and subscribe to follow some of our heartfelt stories on YouTube.

We are registered with the Thai Government but receive no government funding. We rely on your generosity to help us continue the work we've been doing since 2004 Saving Thailand's Forgotten Dogs


Thank you

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